Friday, March 14, 2008

Cool Keyboard Shortcuts

here are some cool keyboard shortcuts that might help u for speedy work up!!!

Ctrl-A = Select all
Ctrl-B = Bold text
Ctrl-C = copy
Ctrl-D = In Excel, this means Copy Down; you will copy whatever is in a cell to just below it
Ctrl-F = find
Ctrl-G = in Excel, this means Go to; you can go to a particular destination cell
Ctrl-H = find and replace
Ctrl-I = italic text
Ctrl-K = In Excel, this means insert Hyperlink
Ctrl-L = In Excel, this means make list
Ctrl-N = Opens you a new file or page
Ctrl-O = open
Ctrl-P = print
Ctrl-R = In Excel, this means Copy Right; you will copy whatever is in a cell to just to the right it
Ctrl-S = save
Ctrl-U = underlined text
Ctrl-V = paste
Ctrl-W = close the current page (can't recall if this closes all of the open files in a particular application)
Ctrl-X = cut
Ctrl-Z = undo

Start-d = Minimises all current open windows.

Start-i = Opens new internet explorer window.

Start-r = Run..

Enjoy!!!!............Please comment

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